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Have you ever prepared venison or elk? I certainly have not! That is why I invited Danielle from the Homebound Hippie to the podcast this week.

Danielle is wonderful at cooking with wild game and I learned so much during this interview.

She gives a ton of information about how to get started cooking with wild game and sheds light on how different it may or may not be from chicken or beef.

Danielle from the Homebound Hippe is a full time homemaker and homesteader living a slow and simple life with her husband in the rural wilderness of Washington State on family land, 7 acres of backwoods country passed down 4 generations. Her experience as a hunter’s wife has led her to a life centered on hunting; fishing, homesteading, and of course good home cooked food.

You can find Danielle over on her blog: The Homebound Hippie and over on Instagram at the Homebound Hippie

Check out the Back to Homemaking Collective!

Only available until 3/31/23!

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Grab the Your Dream Vegetable Garden Plan for FREE to get you started today!  Start growing your groceries this year!

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