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Do you love old homes? I do!

If you are interested in historically accurate renovations, decorating old farmhouses, antiquing and thrifting that you are probably familiar with my guest this week, Paige from Farmhouse Vernacular.

Paige has one of my favorite You Tube channels and I was so excited to have her on the podcast this week.

In this week’s episode we talk about:

  • How you can figure out the age of your old home,
  • Resources for historically accurate home design,
  • The difference between modern kitchens and traditional kitchens,
  • How to make your house work hard for you.

It was so much fun and you don’t want to miss this one!

Farmhouse Vernacular You Tube

Farmhouse Vernacular Blog 

Paige (founder of Farmhouse Vernacular) and her husband purchased a run-down farmhouse in rural Kentucky in 2017. They have spent the last five years renovating it into a cozy, somewhat historically accurate home. Paige shares about home design, efficiency, canning, self-sufficiency, and farm life. You can usually find her painting a room, thrifting for glorious treasures, canning something up in the kitchen, or cuddling a cat.

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