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Join me in this episode many myths and misconceptions about simple living and homesteading.  When I talk to people about starting to be more self-sufficient, there are a couple of reasons that I hear time and time again as to why it won’t work for them.

Here I address these misconceptions and explain why they should not be holding you back.

In this episode I talk about:

  • Why you don’t need a ton of property to grow your own food.
  • How you can get started without a ton of money.
  • The best thing to start with when trying to decrease your dependance on stores and commercial products.

Don’t let these hold you back from living a little more homegrown and homemade!

Dreaming of Having a Vegetable Garden this year?

Grab the Your Dream Vegetable Garden Plan for FREE to get you started today!  Start growing your groceries this year!

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